The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most ambitious program in history to address the major social and environmental issues facing humanity.
The 2030 Agenda implies a common and universal commitment, however, since each country faces specific challenges in its quest for sustainability, States have full sovereignty over their resources and actions, and each one will set its own national goals with the support of the other actors involved.
In the case of the Dominican Republic, a recent awareness has been generated among the different actors, which has allowed the creation of specific working groups to coordinate and follow up the implementation and development of agreements that manage an appropriate framework for action with a view to fulfilling the 2030 Agenda.
However, one of the main challenges to be addressed is that the SDGs lack an adequate communication strategy to understand the impact and benefits of each of the actions undertaken.
As a strategic communications agency, we are committed to being catalysts, facilitators, propagators, and loudspeakers of the SDGs to achieve that multiplier effect among the leading brands and clients we serve in all national and international sectors and industries.
From our point of view, there should be no communication strategy that does not make business sense, nor a business strategy that ignores its impact on society and its level of responsibility to its audiences.
Our commitment to transforming the way we do business and communicate it is embodied in SDG17, which consists of “building partnerships to achieve the goals”.
We are committed to generating shared value, acting with responsibility and transparency, facilitating the adaptation of our clients’ strategies to solutions aligned with the SDGs.
In this highly competitive environment, communication becomes imperative to generate knowledge about the SDGs, build citizen awareness about the importance of implementing more sustainable habits and practices. Orient preferences toward more environmentally friendly operations that generate equality and contribute to increasing collective prosperity.
Our commitment to helping the clients we serve to transform their communication strategies to educate, motivate and drive their internal and external audiences to make the required changes has required us to be a change agent within our agency.
For more than 10 years, we have aligned our actions to the discourse, being multipliers with our own knowledge and experience to set an example.
We divide the SDGs into strategic blocks that respond to the contribution we make through our business activities.