In the era of infoxication, consumers try to minimize uncertainty when making purchase decisions, relying on the origin and history of brands.
So also for nations, reputation precedes them.
Last week, we saw the president of the world’s greatest power pejoratively describe several countries in the region as latrines, including neighboring Haiti; At the same time, he issued a warning pointing out the high risk that traveling to the Dominican Republic represents for its citizens. The warnings issued project a country very distant from the one we live in or are from.
How do we get others to see us the way we want? What are those aspects that we must modify to change these adjectives?
The country brand is the strategic and comprehensive self-presentation that allows creating the reputational capital of a nation through the promotion of economic, political and social interests both internally and abroad.
It requires the joint effort of the government, the private sector and citizens to project and influence the different target audiences, using tools to alter or change behavior, attitudes, identity or image towards a positive one.
All promotion of the Dominican Republic must go in the direction of attracting tourists; stimulate internal and external investment in the different productive sectors; boost exports; and captivate students and skilled workers.
As Dominicans we have a strong identity, the essence that distinguishes and characterizes us around the world. However, there is a very wide gap between who we are and the image we project.
We must work to reduce these prejudices and misperceptions that hold back our economic development, harm our position and affect our morale.
Beyond the campaigns carried out by the authorities, let us work to strengthen those institutional areas that remain. Let’s improve the conditions of our productive sector and the quality of the products to monopolize larger markets; let’s define clear rules for investment and immigration; Let us highlight at every opportunity our cultural, gastronomic, and tourist heritage; let us improve the quality of life of our citizens; let’s be more civic and positive; Let’s celebrate our people and their achievements, among others.
Promoting ourselves goes beyond implementing a cosmetology or communications strategy; It demands concrete actions and changes in the behavior of ALL citizens, since national projection and promotion is not the sole and exclusive responsibility of the government in power. It requires a strategic, continuous and unified focus on actions from all areas, to erase all those bad perceptions and show our best face.
In terms of value proposition, we have an advantage because the Dominican “has it all.” What are we waiting for?
Author: Lara Guerrero